Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sad Day

I knew eventually this day would come.  The day we had to give up the patchy.  Jocelyn never had a special blankie or stuffed animal, her lovie was her patchys.  And yesterday she popped a hole in her last one.  I think I said about 3 months ago that I wasn't going to buy any more.  But then something always came up where it would have been pure torture for her (or those around her) to not have it.  One of our vehicles is in the shop, and Calvin had to work last night.  So he took the car, and we were stuck at home.  So, last night was the night we gave up the patchy!  Which was probably the best thing that could have happened, because I probably would have caved.  She just loves them so much and I felt so guilty taking them away.  If she would have had a lovie like a blankie I never would have dreamed of taking it away.  But it was wrecking her teeth, and I was tired of her having a tantrum whenever she wanted it and I said no.  Plus, she's almost 4.  And she knew once she turned 4 it was going away. 
So, we wrote a letter to the Patchy Fairy telling her that she was done with them and to please throw it away - "it is too precious to give to anyone else."  Then she put the note and her patchy under her pillow, and got a special surprise in the morning!  And she is going to ask for a mint whenever she feels sad and wants her patchy.  Because she can't cry when she has a mint in her mouth because she might choke.  I love how her little mind works!  She did great last night - I was prepared to be up every few hours.  She fell asleep just fine and didn't wake up at all!
However, tonight was a different story.  I don't think she actually thought it all the way thru that it would mean no more patchy ever again.  She kept asking for it, and cried for almost 2 hours.  There were breaks in between there, but yikes.  I'm so glad she wasn't a colicky baby - I don't think I could have handled that.  She fell asleep about 10:30, and was just so over tired that all she could do was cry.  So, let's hope tomorow night goes better!  I was planning on it taking a week.  Thankfully Calvin was home tonight so that was good.  Poor thing, she was just so sad that she couldn't have her patchy anymore.
With her card for the patchy fairy, her patchy and her mints 
 Putting it under her pillow!

 All snuggled in with her blankie and her friends
 This is what the patchy fairy brought her - good thing I keep a few things around here just in case - otherwise the patchy fairy would not have been prepared!
 And this is what Calvin got her for giving up her patchy.  She LOVES the Disney show Doc McStuffins.  It's about a little girl who's a toy doctor and fixes broken toys.  I didn't realize it was popular enough to have toys, but I guess it is!  She was so excited to open it.  She's sleeping with Doc (one of the brief no crying times) so she's not in the picture.  When we talked to Cal last night he told her he was going to get her a surprise, when I asked her what she thought he'd bring her, she said "I think he's going to bring me cash!"  Funny girl.  But this was a way better surprise.
 And then this morning she started Sunday School.  And yes, this is what she picked out to wear.  She did not want to go to Sunday School - she wanted to stay in the nursery.  But she had a great time, knew a lot of the kids in her class, and can't wait to go back next week.  Too many big girl things in one day!

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