Friday, October 25, 2013

A few randoms

Kailee is taking horseback riding lessons, and the farm she takes them at is awesome!  They go and help out with chores too, and the people are so nice.  She loves horses and is having a great time.
They have a little pen of goats and this little mini horse.  Jocelyn and I met them out there a few weeks ago to bring lunch and see the animals.  This picture makes me smile - they have matching hair!
Jocelyn continues to love to write.  And color.  And draw.  We had her conferences this week, and that was one of her strengths - her teachers said she is over in the writing center a lot!  This was a precious card she made for me the other day - she wrote everything all by herself!  She had been wanting caramel dip for her apples, and I finally remembered to get her some at the store.  So she wrote a thank you note and a card.  And the one envelope has my "kinitials" on it (one of the last remaining cute words she says...I'm not correcting her).
 This is her birthday list, also written mostly by herself (I helped with -ing).  And while she would love a real cat, the cat on her list is a stuffed animal one she saw at no one get any ideas.  I love this writing stage - it makes me smile every time I look at things she writes.

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