Thursday, October 24, 2013

Apple Orchard

We took a trip to the apple orchard about a month ago - I wanted some cute pictures, and some good baking apples.  We got there, and you now have to pay to go there!  Obviously you have to pay for the apples, but they charged $5 a person just to get in.  We'll be finding a different orchard to go to next year - I think that's silly.  Maybe if they had really cool stuff to do, but they don't.  Anyway - it was a beautiful day, and we had a fun time.

Jocelyn had a field trip to this same orchard today, and I took the day off so I could go with!  It was freezing out - thankfully it was sunny, but it was windy and so cold.  We both wore 2 pairs of pants, multiple top layers, hat and mittens.  What a difference a month makes around here!  We had a fun time though, and she was pretty excited that I got to go.  Or she was excited because we got to leave after the field trip and she didn't have to stay at day care the rest of the day.  Then we met Calvin for lunch - I had soup and coffee to warm up!

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