Friday, April 11, 2014

Govin's Farm

Last weekend we took advantage of the gorgeous day and went to Govin's farm.  We love going to see and hold the baby animals.
We took a wagon ride in and Jocey got to sit on the horse before we got started.  No fear at all from this girl - just hopped right on!
 She was most excited to hold the chicks.  It was the last weekend the farm was open, and I typically like to go a little earlier - they're tinier and cuter.  But less fragile now!  Again - no fear, she just reached right in and scooped them up.

 Always fun to feed the sheep.  She started out with just a few...
 ...but when the others discovered she had food they all came over for some!

 He's a squirmy one!
I really hope someday we're able to live a little bit out of town and get a few animals.  She loves it so much, and so does Calvin.  I could get used to a little farm life!

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