Thursday, April 10, 2014

Is anyone there?

Wow has it been a long time! There's probably no one even reading anymore! That's okay...this is kind of my form of scrap booking since I don't do that anymore either. :)

I'm on vacation this week - had some time to use up so it's a "getting things done" vacation. Which I do enjoy every once in a while. But I've come down with a cold and am not feeling the greatest, so today I'm sitting on the couch while Jocelyn is at Ama's. And I can blog on the iPad! Didn't think I could get to the pictures from here, but I can. So I am getting one thing crossed off my list while still relaxing. Awesome!

So, December. I think that's where I left off last year. Had a pretty uneventful month; just getting ready for Christmas and all that. And then December 22nd came. And I had an unexpected appendectomy. Surprise! I had been having weird, random very painful stomach problems (well, for many years) for the past year. I had been to the doctor, they had done testing, but couldn't figure out what it was. Since I knew it wasn't anything too serious I was just prepared to deal with it.

But then that weekend it was hurting again, same symptoms, but after two days and after throwing up it wasn't getting better (which it normally did). The only thing my doctor suggested was going to the ER when it was happening so they could do a CT scan. So, since I felt pretty awful, I decided to go in. The pain was also a little more on my right side (before it was always in the upper middle) and was a bit sore to the touch. Good thing I did...after I finally got the scan it showed appendicitis. So, the surgeon was called in, and about midnight I went in to surgery! Everything went great, went home the next day, and proceeded to have the next 2 weeks off of work! It was a bummer that it was at Christmas, but it was also a blessing. Calvin wasn't traveling, his parents were home and able to take Jocelyn and there was enough excitement for her that she didn't really care we were gone. We spent two nights at his parent's house which was wonderful and so in town we don't do that very often and it was so nice. The only big bummer was that I didn't get to see the boys very much. They all left Christmas Day morning, and I was still pretty out of it on Christmas Eve. Then Friday we headed over to the Cities to my parent's house where both my brother and sister and their families were.

Pre CT scan
Post surgery

I've been feeling so much better post surgery! It was so hard before to know what would set off my stomach aches; often greasy food would do it, or if I didn't have a chance to eat at work and then would eat dinner it would often happen as well. Now I can eat whatever I want! Well, for the most part. I'll always have a sensitive stomach, but that's fine. However, a combination of eating whatever I want, having to wear leggings for a while post surgery due to the incisions, turning 35, and being the coldest longest winter ever have led to a few extra pounds that need to come off! Good thing it's starting to get nice out so we can do fun things outside again.

So here are a bunch of pics from the last 4 months!

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