Tuesday, October 21, 2008

36 Weeks

Here we are at 36 weeks - I didn't know my skin could stretch as much as it has. Although, knock on wood, no stretch marks yet! I've had a cold for the past week and a half - it really stinks getting sick when you're pregnant - no medicine! Although I did have a doctor's appointment yesterday and he did give me some stuff to take. I think I'm on the mend, but just extremely tired. Good thing I got in now, instead of 4 weeks from now! I'm ready to be done now - hopefully Calvin's prediction of a Halloween baby is correct!

1 comment:

Becky Andrysczyk said...

Lookin' a lot bigger now. You're almost there. Let me tell you, it was a journey to get him here. I can tell you more about his birth later, but I ended up with a C-section after being in the hospital for 2 days of inducing meds. It was okay and now we are blessed with a cute baby boy: Ayden Michael Andrysczyk! I can't wait to see what you have and find out his/her name. God Bless and enjoy your sleep now while you still have it. :)