Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today was Jocelyn's baptism! It was a very special day, and we had a very nice time. She did great, and didn't even fuss at the water on her head! Mom made her dress, which was so special and pretty. My sister, Katie and her husband, Jonathan are her Godparents, but since they live in Boston, they couldn't be here. So, we Skyped them in! We had a private ceremony after church (that's how they had Kailee baptized, and Calvin really liked doing it that way), so it worked out great! We had a lunch after at Pat & Anita's and she wouldn't nap because she didn't want to miss out on her party! We'll have a tired girl tonight, I think. Maybe she'll sleep thru the night again!

We had to get a picture with the cute hat - she looks Amish!

With Katie and Jonathan (on the computer)

A friend of mine made her the braclet - she had to add a few pearls as her wrists are a little chubby....

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