Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fun weekend

I was really looking forward to this last weekend.  Calvin had two days off, my parents came, Calvin's siblings came, and of course, I was sick.  I just laid around all weekend with a cold and just felt icky.  Bummer.  My two nephews were here, and I couldn't even hold them!  It was torture.  (I did hold Henry for a bit on Monday - I was feeling better then).  We still had fun visiting with everyone and I did like relaxing the whole time!  We grilled out twice, so summer can get here anytime it wants to now!

Jocelyn and Elliot.  We hadn't seen him since he was a few days old - he's gotten so big!  And so cute!

Jocelyn had fun with Grandma & Grandpa - although she wasn't very good at sharing.  They just had to watch her play.

Smiley Henry

We got the tomato plants in - I was also hoping to do the garden this weekend, but that will have to wait.  Probably next weekend.  We're expanding it this year, and I'm so excited to get planting!  Jocelyn had a lot of fun too, and was very upset we only had a few things to plant.  I think she'll be a great helper with the rest of the garden!

Checking out a "squirmy wormy"

Eating her ice cream from the ice cream man!  Yes, we have a guy who drives a cooler on a bike around the neighborhood and rings the bell as he's going around.  It's not as ghetto as it sounds - I think it's a local shop that does it.  We've never bought ice cream from him in the 5 years we've lived here!  She thought it was great, and made a gigantic mess.  Between the ice cream, dirt, sweat and sunscreen, it was definitely bath time!

Miss Independent

I think Jocelyn is officially 2.  She is still a sweet little girl, but she's definitely gotten quite a bit sassier the past few weeks.  I was thinking maybe we'd skip the typical toddler behavior, but I don't think that will be the case.  Maybe it's because she can go to the bathroom by herself now.  And she wants privacy - "Go away, Mama."  Which she did learn how to say nicely now - "Please go out of the bafroom, Mama." :)  Mealtime is a struggle because she won't sit in her booster seat anymore, but she's so squirmy that I feel like the only thing I say during dinner is "Jocelyn, sit down!"  And she's into picking out her own clothes.  And I think I'll be one of those parents with the funny looking kid, because I've decided I don't really care!  If she wants to wear what she thinks is "beautiful" then she should be able to.  There are so many other things she has to follow the rules on!  And it's kinda fun to see her developing her likes and dislikes.  Soft pants are her favorite, and striped pants are also her favorite.  She would wear striped pants every single day if she had enough pairs.  Here are two recent outfits that were, acording to her, beautiful.

This one she picked out before her friend Joe came over to play.  She said she picked out nice clothes for Joe.  And yes, those are pants - she pulled the knee socks up over the pants.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

It was a cold, wet winter, and it's been an even colder and wetter spring.  I'm normally a very positive person, but this weather is going to do me in!  Saturday it rained all day, and it was the day of our neighborhood garage sales.  I was kinda bummed, because I love garage sales.  But at about 4:00 the rain stopped and it was a beautiful evening.  So Jocey and I went for a walk and found some great deals at a few places - 2 houses were giving everything away for free!  I found these really cute little rain boots - she loves boots and keeps trying to wear her winter ones, so these work much better.  These pictures were from Sunday evening - it had rained all day but was nice in the evening again.

Sharing with the dogs - she thinks it's so funny to watch them go wild over ice cream!

You gotta jump in puddles if you have rain boots on!

Digging for worms in the garden - we couldn't find any. 

Last night at Kailee's game...our smiles are definitley fake.  It was very cold and wet.  And of course it was the longest game of the season.  And they lost.

This was her before church on Sunday - Ama found her a backpack at a garage sale and she loves it!  She decided to leave it at home though, because she didn't want to share it with the other kids in nursery.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mother's Day & Other Stuff

For Mother's Day this year, I got breakfast in bed!  I love breakfast food - it's my favorite meal of the whole day.  Calvin and Kailee got up and made me pancakes - yummy!  I also got the cute necklace I'm wearing in the pictures.  When I tried it on, I asked how it looked.  Kailee said it looked cute...Jocelyn said no.  I asked her what it looked like, she said "barettes!"  Which it kind of does!  I love being a mom and had a fun day hanging out with Jocelyn.

After church we went over to Pat & Anita's to visit with them and Morgan, Nicole and Henry.  It was Nicole's birthday too - what a precious day for her!  Jocey wouldn't get any closer to Henry than this....

We've had quite a few rainy days this spring, so out came the big blocks.  We had fun building houses and fences and stayed in our jammies all day!  She'd stay in her jammies all day every day if I'd let her.  Calvin helped her build this house - she was pretending to be the big bad wolf.

Here's the big bad wolf blowing the house down!

Our first garden crop of the season!  We planed asparagus last year, but it didn't produce.  So I was a bit surprised to see this pop up so early!  We haven't done any other planting yet - probably Memorial Day weekend.  Asparagus grows SO fast!  The stalks are only growing a few at a time though, so it's hard to get enough to eat at once.  I don't know if that will change as it gets warmer or not.

And, the happy news for the week is that Jocelyn is potty trained!  She pooped on the potty about a week and a half ago, and that's kind of what I was waiting for.  So then last Saturday I put her in undies in the morning, and we haven't gone back to diapers!  She does still wear them at nap/bed, although at day care she woke up from her nap, told her teachers she had to go potty, and then went back to sleep!  I about fell over when I heard that.  She's done really great, has had a few accidents, but all have been outside, where I think she just gets too busy playing and forgets.  But she'll realize she peed, then stop and go inside to finish.  And, she hasn't pooped on the potty again - she just waits until nap/bed time to do it.  Little stinker.  I was really dreading potty training, but she's made it very easy on me!  

Monday, May 2, 2011

Henry's Baptism

On Saturday evening after a nice day visiting Calvin's grandparents in Duluth, we headed down to the Cities for Henry's baptism on Sunday.  What a wonderful day!  Henry did so great - he didn't cry at all when they put water on his head, and he did much better than one of the other kids who cried the entire time.  Poor guy.  He looked so cute in his baptism outfit - it was the one the boys wore when they were baptised, so that was special.  We had a nice lunch at Morgan and Nicole's afterwards, and I got a few minutes of snuggle time in.  He looks so much different than when we saw him a month ago!   I was taking pictures on Moe and Nicole's camera, so I don't have a ton.

He wasn't impressed with the hat 

And here's a picture of the girls with their Great Grandpa and Great Grandma.  We had a nice day visiting and having lunch.  We haven't been up there for quite some time - they normally come down to Eau Claire - so it was wonderful to see them again!

Elliot Matthew

We have another nephew!  Calvin's sister Angie and her husband Adam welcomed their precious boy, Elliot Matthew last Thursday morning.  Everyone is doing great!  We were able to stop by for a bit on Sunday morning before we headed to church for Henry's baptism.  What a cutie he is!  So tiny and precious.  I'll get more pictures when we go over next time (I didn't get any of him and Calvin on my camera), but here are a few.  We're so excited to be aunties, uncles and cousins again!

New Sand

Last weekend when we were working on the yard, we took the old icky sand out of the sandbox and got nice, new fresh sand!  I love to play in the sandbox, but we didn't get new stuff last summer, so it was time.  I love to take off my shoes and squish my toes in the sand.  It's one of the many things I love about having kids - there's so many fun things you get to do!

 Jocelyn and Tracy
 This one has nothing to do with new sand....  Jocelyn is doing great in her big girl bed - she's made the transition very smoothly.  She stays in bed - for the most part.  After we leave the room, we can hear her little feet get up and run across the room, then run back.  She gets up to get books!  How cute.  I don't know if she reads them or just likes to have them in bed with her!