Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Miss Independent

I think Jocelyn is officially 2.  She is still a sweet little girl, but she's definitely gotten quite a bit sassier the past few weeks.  I was thinking maybe we'd skip the typical toddler behavior, but I don't think that will be the case.  Maybe it's because she can go to the bathroom by herself now.  And she wants privacy - "Go away, Mama."  Which she did learn how to say nicely now - "Please go out of the bafroom, Mama." :)  Mealtime is a struggle because she won't sit in her booster seat anymore, but she's so squirmy that I feel like the only thing I say during dinner is "Jocelyn, sit down!"  And she's into picking out her own clothes.  And I think I'll be one of those parents with the funny looking kid, because I've decided I don't really care!  If she wants to wear what she thinks is "beautiful" then she should be able to.  There are so many other things she has to follow the rules on!  And it's kinda fun to see her developing her likes and dislikes.  Soft pants are her favorite, and striped pants are also her favorite.  She would wear striped pants every single day if she had enough pairs.  Here are two recent outfits that were, acording to her, beautiful.

This one she picked out before her friend Joe came over to play.  She said she picked out nice clothes for Joe.  And yes, those are pants - she pulled the knee socks up over the pants.

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