Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fun weekend

I was really looking forward to this last weekend.  Calvin had two days off, my parents came, Calvin's siblings came, and of course, I was sick.  I just laid around all weekend with a cold and just felt icky.  Bummer.  My two nephews were here, and I couldn't even hold them!  It was torture.  (I did hold Henry for a bit on Monday - I was feeling better then).  We still had fun visiting with everyone and I did like relaxing the whole time!  We grilled out twice, so summer can get here anytime it wants to now!

Jocelyn and Elliot.  We hadn't seen him since he was a few days old - he's gotten so big!  And so cute!

Jocelyn had fun with Grandma & Grandpa - although she wasn't very good at sharing.  They just had to watch her play.

Smiley Henry

We got the tomato plants in - I was also hoping to do the garden this weekend, but that will have to wait.  Probably next weekend.  We're expanding it this year, and I'm so excited to get planting!  Jocelyn had a lot of fun too, and was very upset we only had a few things to plant.  I think she'll be a great helper with the rest of the garden!

Checking out a "squirmy wormy"

Eating her ice cream from the ice cream man!  Yes, we have a guy who drives a cooler on a bike around the neighborhood and rings the bell as he's going around.  It's not as ghetto as it sounds - I think it's a local shop that does it.  We've never bought ice cream from him in the 5 years we've lived here!  She thought it was great, and made a gigantic mess.  Between the ice cream, dirt, sweat and sunscreen, it was definitely bath time!

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