Monday, July 11, 2011

Vacation - Big Sky

 After our two nights at the ranch, we started out on the second half of our drive - to Big Sky, MT.  I think I would like to move there.  It's beautiful, there aren't a lot of people, and it just felt very relaxing.  We were very excited to see Katie, Jonathan and Abel - we hadn't seen them since Thanksgiving, and Abel changed so much since then! 

The drive in to Big Sky

Reading a book to Abel.  She did pretty good with him and would occasionally share her toys.  He wasn't crawling very fast yet, so that helped.  He loved her and would get so excited to see her!

I didn't go on this hike, so I can't talk too much about it - but they had fun!

Katie's parent's house - this is where all the kids stayed.  Mom and Dad stayed at the one next door.

The river that runs thru their backyard.  I think it's normally a little crick, but with all the late spring weather all the water there is very high.

We spent a few evenings outside by the fireplace - what a gorgeous view.  The weather was perfect - sunny and mid 60's when we had our things planned, and rainy on the days where we just relaxed and hung out.
Playing builder with Grandpa.  These are Katie's nephew's toys, and Jocelyn said her favorite part of the trip was playing with the building toys. :)

This hike I did go on - Lava Lake.  Calvin and I, Katie and Jonathan and Brian did this one.  It was a pretty hard hike for me - I'm not used to that!  The altitude was the worst part - just feeling like I couldn't quite catch my breath.  We made stops along the way though, and I'm so glad I did it.  The view at the top made it all worth it!

This is the mountain that everyone skis in Big Sky.  Katie and Brian have gone up to the very, very top and skied all the way down.  I don't think that's a vacation we'll be taking any time soon....

Just about the cutest and happiest baby I've ever seen!

This was Thursday morning - a day we had planned to just chill.  It was pretty chilly out, and you can see the line where the fog was - all the trees were covered in frost!

We spent a lot of time in the hot tub - perfect weather for it, and a beautiful view!  Jocelyn loved the "hot pool."

This was on our drive back at some random gas station....

 On our way back home we stayed in a hotel in Bismarck.  Cal and Dad took Jocey swimming, and she was pretty tired at that point....

Almost home...and still smiling!
We had such a fun time, and were so grateful to Katie and Brian for planning the trip, and to Katie's parents for letting us stay at their homes!  I hope it's one we can do again sometime.

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