Monday, July 11, 2011

Vacation - Yellowstone

On Wednesday of our trip, we went to Yellowstone.  We decided to do it in the middle of the week so we could break up the driving a bit.  We mostly just saw the touristy stuff, and I think if we go again, we'd do more of the hiking instead.  It was a beautiful day!

We were hoping to see a lot of wildlife, but we mostly saw buffalo.  They were everywhere!

 This is an elk - we did see a herd of them also.  This one was by itself, and pretty close to the road.

Katie, Jonathan and Abel at the Hot Springs

 On the way back to Big Sky, we saw a moose!  Calvin really wanted to see good wildlife out there, and so I was glad we saw this guy.  Then, on the last night we were there, he and Dad were out driving, and saw a moose, 19 elk, a grizzly and a deer!  We were bummed none of us were there, but glad they got to see it!

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