Monday, November 14, 2011

Jocelyn is 3!

Happy, happy birthday to our beautiful girl!  I truly can't believe she's already 3.  2 still seems kinda like a baby, but 3 is definitely a preschooler.  Here are some things Jocelyn likes doing:
  • playing with babies & stuffed animals
  • doing "homework" (activity books)
  • coloring and writing
  • jumping
  • riding her trike
  • reading books
  • dressing up in beautiful outfits
  • singing, especially Christmas songs
  • eating - she's not a picky eater - apples are her favorite food at the moment
  • sleeping - still napping 2-3 hours and sleeping 12 hours at night; still loves to be rocked before bed
  • sucking on her patchy - it was supposed to go away once she turned 3....
  • doing things by herself and being quite stubborn at times
  • being silly
  • giving hugs and kisses to her Mommy and Daddy and being the most precious and special girl we are so very thankful for! 
Her birthday was on a day care day this year, so she chose to wear her fancy skirt and shoes.  Her teacher said she was on cloud nine all day!  We made cupcakes and brought them to day care - she was so proud about that!

 I'm continuing to take her picture with the bear, however, this was not an easy feat this year.  We took a lot of pictures before I had one I liked - here are two of my favorite funny ones.
 She does the fake smile, so we tell her to open her eyes - and this is what she does.
 Finally - a cute one!

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