Monday, November 14, 2011

Bad Blogger

I have been really bad about keeping up with the blog lately!  I was sick a few weeks ago, and that just totally threw off my whole plan.  Luckily all I had to miss was 2 days of work, but I still got nothing accomplished at home!  So, be ready for lots of pictures and lost of posts - it's been a busy month!

Enjoying a carmel apple - yummy!

 Still dressing herself....

A beautiful day for a fall hike at Lowes Creek Park.  The dogs loved it and so did Jocelyn!

Ellie is so patient with her - she's such a great dog with kids.  She often tells her "Ellie, you're my best dog ever."

 Even Ginger was putting up with her since she was holding the leash....

Jocelyn loves to draw circles.  I can already tell which pictures at day care are hers...she has a distinct coloring style!  She also loves to write her name - it's towards the top - the backwards J followed by a bunch of lines.
 Playing dress up!  I think Kailee secretly loves it when Jocelyn gets out all these fun toys...I guess I secretly love it too.

 Kailee's getting pretty good at the clarinet...the dogs don't run away nearly as often anymore.  And, she got her 1st quarter report card on Friday...all A's and B's!  We're very proud of her - she's really gotten better this last month or so about studying and paying attention.  Middle school definitely has been a transition for all of us!

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