Monday, November 14, 2011


We headed over to Neenah the first weekend in November for my Grandma's birthday.  It's become a bit of a tradition - we always stay my aunt and uncle's house (who are very generous to let us stay there!) and as many of the relatives come who can make it.  This year all my mom's siblings were there, and a few of us cousins.  Brian, Katie and Ella came down so everyone could meet Ella.  We had such a great weekend, we always have a lot of fun when everyone gets together.  My cousin Laura has a daughter, Sadie, who's about 10 mths younger than Jocelyn.  They had a lot of fun playing together and it was so great for them both to have a play mate!

 The girls in their matching pj's

 Great Grandma and Ella

 Me and Ella in our matching sweat suits.  I was so glad they came down - she's changed so much since we saw her two months ago!  She was smiling and cooing at me, and is such a good baby.  Just had one little crying fit because she was hungry, but besides that just takes it all in!  I can't wait to see her again at Christmas - she'll have changed again so much by then!

 Saturday night we had a party for Grandma and Jocelyn.  And what's a party without party hats?!
 Sadie eating her cupcake the way cupcakes were meant to be eaten

 My mom's brothers are big jokesters - here George is smashing a cupcake all over Jim's face!  I think Jim was pretty nice - I don't think he retaliated...maybe he's saving it up for a rainy day....

How wonderful to have such a fun family that always enjoys spending time together.  We are very blessed!

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