Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Look

Happy New Year!  We had a great 2011 - went way too fast - and we're looking forward to a great 2012 as well.  I decided the blog needed a new look - it's been the same for over 3 years and I was ready for a change!  Maybe it will inspire me to blog more often....  Here are some random pictures from last month before I get into all our fun Christmas pictures!

Dressing up is so much fun!  Even Ellie got to participate in the fun! 

 Jocelyn doesn't really finger paint - she body paints. 

 Just when I'm about ready to strangle the dogs, they go and do something cute and nice like this.  Ellie laid on that pillow under the blankets for at least 15 minutes while Jocelyn read her books.
 Jocelyn loves to draw and color - she's getting really good at drawing actual pictures and staying in the lines.
 Oh yes, we took down her crib last month too.  She was just getting too big for it.  She has a nice new twin bed (still have to buy a box spring) that she loves.  It was fun rearranging her room and making it look like a big girl room.  I'll take pictures once we have everything done.  This is how I found her the other day after not napping - undies on outside her pants, different socks on (one inside out) and shoes!  At least she kept herself occupied!

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