Wednesday, March 31, 2010


On Monday, Calvin decided to dig up some old dead grass and plant some new stuff. We'll see - it gets pretty beat up between the fence and the driveway - we may end up putting in mulch. Jocelyn thought this was just about the greatest thing she'd ever seen! I was going to try to keep her out of the dirt pile, but Calvin said I should go put her in play clothes and let her have at it! Good thing for dads! She had a blast. She does need new tennies now though....

Helping dig
Looking at a worm - she didn't like it. She put it back in my hand and said 'no'. Which, by the way, is her favorite word. The funniest thing she does with her no word is telling us which songs she doesn't want us to sing. We'll start singing a song and she'll shake her head and say 'no'. Then I'll sing a different one, and sometimes she dances (which means it's acceptable), and sometimes she says 'no'. We go thru all the songs I can think of to sing until she finds one she wants to hear! I'll have to get it on video - it's too cute.
She normally has a onesie on under her shirts - she thinks it's great that it's warm now and she can look at her belly button whenever she wants!

Thanks Dad!

Baby animal farm #2

Well, we went back to the farm last weekend so Calvin could see the baby lambs too! It was a bit more crowded, but we still had fun.

Girly girl

Jocelyn's not much of a girly girl - she loves to wrestle, play outside in the dirt and hardly ever cries when she falls down. But she does love her shoes and her barettes! A friend gave me these adorable pink glitter shoes, and Jocey had to try them on right away! They're a little big, but she didn't care! Her hair's getting long - I put it in a ponytail - but she looks way too old. She sat so nice when I was trying to get it in - let's hope that continues!

This is her new fake smile when I tell her to smile for me....Three pairs - shoe heaven! Another fake smile with the pink glitter shoes

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dancing Queen

I know I've said that Jocey loves music and loves to dance. Kailee did too when she was little (she still loves music, but is WAY too embarrassed to dance), and she always had a leotard over at Ama's house so she could dance and put on shows. I think Jocey is following in her sister's footsteps! Anita found a little swimming suit with a tutu, and put it on her so Jocey could show off her moves for us!

This is her "I'm a Little Teapot" dance

Tapping her foot

What a big girl!
She's starting to smile when I ask her to for the camera - but always comes up with these goofy smiles!

Look at those legs!

Kailee's birthday

Happy 10th Birthday to Kailee! Her birthday was on Saturday, and she's hit the double digits! Wow. We had birthday breakfast at Perkins with Calvin before he had to go to work, then did the farm and opened presents from my parents on Saturday night. Sunday we went over to Pat and Anita's for a birthday celebration. Cory's birthday is two days after Kailee, so we normally celebrate together. He turned 18 this year, so it was a big year for both of them!

10 years old!

We had fun dyeing Easter eggs

Jocey just wanted to throw the eggs in the color and then stir them around with the spoon, which got a little messy!

Mom and Dad got her the game Mastermind - it's a really fun game I hadn't played in a super long time. She whooped me on Saturday, but I think Calvin won on Sunday.

Look at how tall she's getting! She'll pass me up soon....

Baby animal farm

Saturday afternoon we went to Govin's to see the baby animals. It's a farm by Menomonie that is best known for its strawberries and meat. But in the spring, for 3 weekends, they have their barn open to see the baby lambs, chicks and piglets. We had never gone before, but I don't know why! It was so fun and the girls absolutely loved it. I wasn't sure how Jocey was going to react, but I think because they were so small she was okay. She didn't love the horses, but did pet them as long as they were eating and she didn't have to touch their faces. The girls and I went with Anita; Calvin had to work. He was so bummed that he missed it that I think he and I and Jocey are going to go again on Sunday!

It was beautiful on Saturday - we played outside most of the morning!

Yum - chalk Ginger was keeping a watchful eye on that cracker...she finally grabbed it when Jocelyn turned her head. She cried and cried - she was so sad and just didn't understand why Ginger would do that to her! So we worked on saying "No, no, Ginger, that's mine!" She's pretty good at it now - but sounds like "No, no, ma!"

Here are the farm pictures! Kailee loves horses!

These piglets were so funny! Hardly any of them could find a nipple - they just kept ramming their heads into the momma!

Amazingly all the chicks survived - she only tried to pull the leg off of one.

This lamb had it's eye poked, but seemed to come out okay.

She loved the puppies!
Giving the puppy a hug thru the fence
This puppy nipped her finger - she cried and cried - she's very sensitive and gets her feelings hurt very easily. I don't think it hurt - she's pretty tough that way.

Back home after a fun day! She loves to carry around a purse - puts her keys in it and says 'bye-bye!'