Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bergner Party

While everyone was home, we also had a birthday party for Jocelyn.  She had fun opening her presents, and I'm pretty sure thinks presents just arrive all the time since we did our Christmas at Thanksgiving too!  The day after she kept asking for more presents.  I don't think she even cares about the stuff inside as much as she likes opening the packages.

 Opening an Elmo movie from Grandma and Grandpa.  I have two of the songs from this DVD continuously stuck in my head.  Awesome.

 I decided that since we had all the pie from Thanksgiving and two other desserts, she didn't need a cake.  So we stuck two candles in an ice cream sandwich!  She thought that was great.  She did much better blowing out her candles this time around and for some reason insisted on eating her ice cream without utensils or her hands!


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