Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Well, Christmas is now over, and I'm just getting to my two weeks before Christmas pictures!  I guess that happens during this busy time of year.  So, the remainder of the blizzard weekend (which we ended up getting 22" of snow that day!) we made some cookies.  It was a great day to stay inside to do that.

Jocelyn really wanted to use the hand mixer

Her job was to roll the cookies in the sugar.  It was much more fun to rub the sugar all over her face.

Yummy cookies!
 I tried to tell her to smile, but she wasn't impressed.  I tried to remind her pictures are forever....

 Isn't this cool?  I think people use spray to get this effect on their windows - not in WI!
 We didn't think it was ever going to stop snowing!

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