Saturday, May 4, 2013

Grandpa's cheerleaders

Katie & Brian and the kids came down after Dad's surgery to help out while Mom was at work.  Luckily for us they decided to stay until the weekend we came over to help so we could see them!  Dad loved having them all around and I like to think it made his recovery easier.  Sadly I didn't get any pics of them with him, but plenty of the kids!

 Ty sure did a lot of growing from Christmas!

 Katie's birthday was on Saturday of the weekend they were here.  So they left me in charge of Dad and all 3 kids for the day so they could go out!  (Mom was at work).  Everyone survived!  Sure made me glad I don't have 3 kids under age 4 however.  We had a fun day and they did too.

 Mom & Dad got a new office chair, and the girls thought the box was great fun!  Dad even cut a little window and door handles for them.

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