Monday, September 9, 2013

Cabin 2013

We spent the 4th of July up at Deda's cabin once again this year - I love that annual tradition.  And it was great that the 4th was on a Thursday this year - extra long weekend for me!  I didn't take many pictures; I wasn't feeling to great a few of the days, so spent some time in bed chilling out.  Which was okay too - always nice to get a whole book read!

Adam & Angie brought special things for the kids to do and they got right to work!  The weather was nice and warm, but we had such a rainy June that the mosquitoes were horrible.  Jocelyn looked like she had chicken pox by the end of the weekend. 
 Jocelyn and Elliot trying out her camera

 Deda's grandkids - Lucas and Elijah
 I've had to resort to bribing her with a promise of silly pictures after nice pictures
 This boy loves the sandbox!

 These two are the same age and get along wonderfully.  These could be their future engagement pictures.

And then the sillies come out...

 Elliot accidentally got paint on his face...
 which turned into face painting for everyone!  What a good Ama.

 It's very important to look fancy when fishing

 The tiniest fish I've ever seen anyone catch

 Proof that we were all here - some of us got left out of the other pictures.

We can't wait to go back next year!

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