Monday, September 9, 2013


Saturday it was hot.  And I refused to turn the air back on.  I hate air conditioning (although I have loved it this summer) and am excited to sleep with the windows open again.  Kailee was working on homework and Calvin was working, so I decided Jocelyn and I needed a pool day. 

I feel like a lot of the time when I'm home with her I'm trying to get too many things done at once, and hardly ever just take an afternoon and really play.  We go places and do things, but it's not often we sit at home and play together. I think because 4K is right around the corner I'm realizing that my time with her is really drawing to an year she'll be in school full time and we won't have our Mondays and Fridays to hang out.  So I'm making more of an effort to ditch the other stuff that I could be doing and just be with my girl.

So we both got our suits on and had a blast splashing in the pool - getting each other wet and throwing water for Ellie to jump at.  We giggled and giggled!  Then she got some water outside of the pool on our yard weed filled dust bowl.  "Look, mud!"  And at first I said no - ick - stay out of the mud.  Then I thought, who really cares?  Not like the yard is going to get ruined, and dirt washes off in the tub.  So, we brought the hose over and made a really big mud puddle.  She thought it was awesome; built things with it, squished it and we had fun tossing mud balls back and forth.  Yep, she was filthy, but a quick shower fixed that. 

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