Monday, September 9, 2013


Angie & Adam were kind enough to watch Ginger while we were up at Ella's cabin, so we traded for a day with Elliot. :)  They got to go to an adult only wedding in Madison, so we got to watch Elliot! 
After he took a nice nap, (finally fell asleep after coloring on a pencil sharpener and his monitor with a marker and breaking Kailee's deodorant) we headed outside for a little snack.

 Ja Ja liked showing him all her fun sand toys and her swing set.

 They were funny swinging in the many giggles!

 We needed a break since they got all wet playing with the sand.  Headed in and did some word puzzles.  It's amazing how much stuff she'll play with that she normally doesn't once there's someone else there!
 And then we bravely made pizza for dinner.  They actually did great and weren't nearly as messy as I thought they'd be!

 And we had to finish off the day with a little wrestling.
What a fun time we had - we love our little Main Man and hope he comes back again soon!

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